Corporate Sponsorship Appeal

We were overwhelmed by the number of local businesses and community groups that chose to take advantage of the corporate sponsorship opportunity offered by Nansa’s 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner.

Nansa (the Norfolk and Norwich SEND Association) is a Norwich based charity providing services for those living with, or caring for others with, SEND. This includes advocacy and participation projects for neurologically diverse individuals, who may feel excluded, marginalised, or unsupported because of social, behavioural, and/or developmental differences.

By sponsoring a table at our Gala Dinner, the businesses you will help us ensure that general ticket sales (later in the year) offer an affordable opportunity for people to attend this special event, celebrating 70 years of Nansa. 

We were able to secure 30 sponsors, and this will allow us to facilitate an event for up to 300 guests. Having worked with the people of Norfolk for 70 years, we are sure you can imagine there will be many people, past and present, that will want to celebrate this incredible milestone.

We anticipate that general ticket sales will go live late Spring, early Summer, with the event offering a 3-course meal and an evening of fundraising and entertainment for just £30 per person. There will of course be opportunities for our business partners and sponsors to attend the evening should they wish, but attendance is not a requirement of sponsorship and would be arranged through general ticket sales, to be clear, the table sponsorship is a separate exercise.

It is our aim to be heavily engaged with local media and press as the event draws closer, this alongside our Visible Festival (at The Forum) in August will allow us to promote those who have sponsored the Gala, in addition we will be continually communicating our sponsors to an online audience of over 5000 people across our social media channels and website.

Although we have secured the 30 sponsors we needed for the Gala Dinner, we do anticipate their will be plenty of other corporate sponsorship opportunities throughout 2024 (our 70th year). Please get in touch with us via the details below if your business would like to support Nansa.