SENsational Families

Welcome to SENsational Families.

SENsational families is a FREE service offered by Nansa. Our experienced Family Support Advisers (FSAs) offer advice, guidance and support to families of children (from birth to 24yrs old) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), whether diagnosed or suspected.


SENsational Families host a variety of support groups and drop-ins; where FSA’s are able to offer the usual advice and guidance but also provide opportunities for families to meet-up with other parents/carers facing similar challenges. Occasionally, we also host specialist support sessions concentrating on specific topics and/or featuring guest speakers.

To check what/where/when our upcoming group sessions are, click the ‘What’s On’ button below, and to learn about other/special events (such as school holiday activities) click ‘What’s New’.


You can request a 10 minute phone call (or e-mail contact) with one of our FSAs offering advice, sign posting and guidance. To make an initial enquiry, please click on the button below:


Nansa also hosts a private/secure social media group where you can stay up to date with all the latest updates from SENsational Families, and other professionals, in relation to SEND and Neurodiversity news from across Norfolk; click the Visible Group button below to find out more.

If you need urgent help or support outside of business hours, click on the Other Help button below: